Monday, September 10, 2012

Green Acres is the Place to be...

It was Tuesday, September 04, I was walking through the gate of the East pool calling, "Hi 'yall," when I heard Phil say, "Hey Kristal, didn't you say you wanted some space in the garden?"  My eyebrows shot up, my eyes opened wide and I replied, "YES! Is there an opening (in the garden)?" "Tom mentioned there's one more section available, you need to talk to him soon, as in today," Phil stressed. 

I was excited!  There is an opening in the garden.  Could I possible get a section?  I was told there was a wait list.  Could I get a section without being on the wait list? 

"I'll stop at Tom's on my way home from the pool,"  I exclaimed.

A few minutes later, Tom's wife Helen, arrives at the pool sporting an attractive pink ensemble.  I mention to her that I am stopping by their house on my way home to talk to Tom about space in the garden.  She says, "He's at the garden now.  In fact, he should be heading home soon."

Phil was sitting at one of the white concrete tables, shaded by a dark green umbrella, smoking a cigarettes when he noticed Tom driving by in his golf cart on his way to the recycle bin.  Phil stood up waving his arm and yelling, "Tom!  Hey Tom!  Over here!  Tom!"

Tom turned his head in every direction trying to figure out who the hell was yelling for him.  Finally, he saw Phil, gave a nod, and headed to the pool. 

Tom arrived sporting a do-rag on his head, dirt and sweat stained clothes.  "What's up?" asks Tom.  Phil says, "Kristal wants that space in the garden, if it's available." 
By this time, I had climbed out of the pool and wrapped a towel around myself.  "Is there some space available?" I asked with my fingers crossed. 

"Sure.  Get in your cart, I'll show you, " ordered Tom. 

He's an ex-Marine; must have been a leader because he is very good at giving succinct orders.  So I hopped in my golf cart and the convoy was off to the garden.

When we arrived at the garden, Tom directed me through the gate, down a dangerously uneven walk "pit" to a row of okra.  We walked back into the garden and then crossed the okra to a rectangular grassy section bordered by a fence.  I could not tell Tom fast enough, "I want it!"  Here's a couple of pics.

My garden is about 12' x 18'

The RV, boat, extra storage lot is on the other side of the fence.  Pretty view, NOT!

The grassy section is all mine!  Mine!  Mine!  Mine!  A thousand apologies, I got caught in the glory of victory.  The row of okra (yuck, in the upper right corner of the first pic) is coming out and a walk way is going in.  This is going to be the largest vegetable garden I've ever tended.  My mind is racing with ideas.
Where's a pen and paper? 
I'll keep you updated,
...and the winner is...(paaaauuusssse, wait for it)  Kristal!

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