Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I Have a Confession...

I stopped coloring my hair out of pure laziness. 

It has been 5 1/2 months since my last color application.  Gaaaasp!!

My last hair cut removed all signs of any previous faux dark blonde, leaving me au naturale.

Au naturale is silver at the temples with quite a bit of silver peppered throughout the rest of my brown hair.

My eyebrows are so light.

Well, after looking at the pics...I have more silver peppered around the front of my scalp than around the back of my scalp.

I love my diamond earrings!

Ya know...I kind of like the Au Naturale color of my hair.  
Look at those lovely red highlights.

All of my time in the sun this summer has lightened it and resulted in some reddish highlights.


Are my thoughts just rationalizations to enable my continued laziness?

Or should I just wash that gray right outta my hair?

-Undecided RG woman

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog and it is nice. I might make those lemon bars in another post for my darlings this week.

    Cute cut! Natural color is better than anything out of the bottle.

    I used to color my hair all the time in my 20s and gave it up in my thirties with the exception of one 'highlight' fiasco. It was a really good highlight, but I couldn't stand seeing those gold (orangey) streaks every morning in the mirror. Now, in my mid 40s the grey almost looks like highlights.
